Galerie Quint-Essences, une galerie internationale des beaux arts,
représentant des artistes de 20+ pays dont certains nous ont fait
l'honneur de nous demander d'être leur curateur.
Sise à la Rue du Neubourg 20, 2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse. +41 79 255 0308 / et
thème de
année est
"a chacun
The Gallery Quint-Essences has exhibited the works of artists from over 20 countries and has the
honor of being asked to curate several collections of well-known, living European artists.
We are located at the Rue du Neubourg 20 in the pedestrian area of the old city of Neuchâtel,
Switzerland. Telephone number, address and other pertinent information above. The theme of
the exhibitions this year is "To each his story."
A C T U A L I T É S en français | All the News in E N G L I S H |
Catherine Claude, photographe jurassienne, nous apporte 3 séries de photographies de l'Afrique, du Brésil et de la Suisse, dont 2 (*) sont en couleurs et l'autre en noir et blanc. Elles sont toutes en argentique et pour la plupart de grande taille et nous apportent une meilleure compréhension concernant les dangers écologiques que confrontent les forets primaires.
Juin : Worlds of Inspiration
Hautement spirituels, leurs oeuvres nous parlent de la connexion entre le cosmos et l'homme. Ce sera également un mois plein d'ateliers en foret pour créer des petites sculpture et des manuscrits à la galerie. Nous aurons également le plaisir d'un concert de musique classique : Myriam Ramseyer (flute traversière) et Josette Weber (piano). |
March : On the path to dance Feriel Benalycherif, born in Algeria and growing up in Tunesia has been living in Geneva for years. Her story is told through the gestures and music of dance. Her work is in oils, high in colors with graceful gestures and flowing scarves... sometimes a dancer is alone, sometimes we can just make out a second, a partner in the leaps toward the sky:
April : Dream Worlds Nicolas Redko (watercolors) and David Utermann (sculptures in syporex, a construction material of compressed stone bits) offered a month filled with dreams using ethnic myths and tender love themes, often of couples interlaced.
May : Beautiful Dawn Catherine Claude, photographer from the Juras, presented 3 series of works. The first concerns the tropical forests of Africa; the second the Brazilian primal forests in inondated areas reached with the help of the local Indian tribes over several visits; and the third series was taken in Switzerland. Some of these are from a fast-moving train, others with an aperture left open for a long time to allow the movements to blur... All are done with a Haselblad camera and are called "silver" photographs because they are not done using a modern digital camera, nor are they taken with the constant touch-ups of the latter.
June : Worlds of Inspiration Lindy Lyman (American) and Isabelle Breguet (Swiss) proposed paintings dealing with creation and with creativity, as well as the spiritual connection between the cosmos and man. It will also be a month full of workshops in the forest near Neuchatel to create the lovely little "forest sculptures" using twigs the participants find and transform, as well as scrolls... There will be a concert of classical music by Myriam Ramseyer (flute) and Josette Weber (piano). |