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Informal Writing and Art Retreats near the beautiful Berkshire Hills, CUMMINGTON, Massachusetts during the month of July or August 2016... Week or weekend retreat: we suggest mixing the visual art of your choice (as a form of illustration) with accompanying texts in poetry or short stories. Submerge yourself in the peace and quiet of a small country village. Maximum of two to three people at a time, unless you care to share a room. "Camping" allowed on the side pasture as well. Costs are minimum - 50€ per night or 150€ per weekend of Friday and Saturday nights, Sunday day to noon, share food and cooking costs at the country store and gift your hostess with a little something toward electricity and water. You can also bring a nice bottle of wine to do some European dinners!
Call for further information after April 1. First come first serve: (+41) 79 255 0308 (mobile/cell phone - leave name and number with dates you would like and I'll get back to you with availability if I don't answer immediately.
Your hostess (Anaïs Laurent) is an artist and writer, a gallery director and corporate trainer & coach, with a M.Ed. and coaching certification. She is also a member of numerous internet writing groups, has been frequently published and was named to Who's Who in Poetry a number of times, as well as Madison Who's Who VIP.
Residency in Quinta Essencia II in Brazil : year round
A new retreat centre for the creation of the visual and performing arts, writing and installation work. Cross-arts and hybrid works of creation are highly encouraged.
For the moment, no master classes are given; only a quiet place of great beauty, with pool and part time maid service for laundry, etc. are offered. The founder is seeking master artists and writers to give classes. He is waiting for responses from well known professors and artists from the region (about 180km from Rio), so stay tuned!
Contact the owner, Max Tolentino, a fine sculptor, for details. He is in the process of renovating the site and will ask for help during your stay to make this dream come true. Rates considerably lower than in Europe for stays of a weekend, a week or more. Shared food costs and family style cooking. When all is done, this will no longer be the case so think about making that dream trip to Brazil now! See picture attached. Max can pick you up at the airport for a small fee for driver and gas. Closest airport is Rio. Max Tolentino de Moura e Silva [maxtolentino@gmail.com]. For more photos click on the swimming pool!
Writing retreats in Vienna and the Austrian countryside
Wordgames – The Poetry Laboratory – Beyond the Barriers We will principally be writing, reading and discussing our own texts as a way to encourage the creative use of language (primarily English, but also German, French, and Arabic – and to a limited extent other tongues too) in an exploratory atmosphere.
Writing in the workshop, both individually and collaboratively, as well as at home, we shall investigate a variety of genres, including poetry, dialogues, sketches, mini-dramas and even short stories, employing a range of TECHNIQUES (such as: automatic writing, interviews, dream diaries, cut-ups and collage), FORMS (like the haiku, the prose poem, the sonnet, cinquains, chants, the ghazal, free verse and rhymed) as well as experimental APPROACHES (for example, non- and semi-intentional creative procedures, multi-lingual writing, multi-vocal presentation, sound poetry, concrete and visual poetry, performance poetry and the practical combination of poetry and music).
Everything we do is connected with the development of a more active poetic perception and the translation of the spiritual world of imagination into the physical reality of langauge.
We will also read the work of other writers, both ancient and modern, for inspiration, studying in particular the work of the American Beat tradition (and the directly inherited legacy of Allen Ginsberg, Ann Waldman, Ed Sanders, Andrew Schelling); the experimental tradition of avantgardism (as inherited from Jackson Mac Low, the Vienna Group and Bodo Hell, but also researching international Dadaism, Fluxus and the French traditions of Symbolism, Surrealism and the poetry of Jacques Prevert); traditional, modern and contemporary British Poetry; traditional and modern Arabic Poetry; and modern developments in experimental Austrian literature...
Wherever possible, the events will also include the possiblity of performing work produced during the workshops at live events, sometimes together with live music and other poets. Live and studio recordings can also be organised.
We hope that participants will contribute a willingness to seek, open up to and access the sources of creativity in all its varieties.
The courses, which will be held either in Vienna or in the enchanting Austrian countryside, can be booked with or without the provision of board and accommodation by the organisers. Time modes of the events include: weekend workshops (Friday-Sunday); nine-day workshops; four-week courses; as well as ongoing regular groups meeting three-weekly over periods of nine months. Remote workshops and distance tutoring (i.e. in the virtual realm) also possible.
Tutors: Peter Waugh (UK/Austria) and Hanane Aad (Lebanon/Austria), selected poets from the group Labyrinth (Association of English-Language Poets in Vienna), other guest poets and professional musicians and studios. See also: www.poetryandsongwriting.com / www.hananeaad.org / www.labyrinthpoetry.com Period: Whole year possible (contact peter.waugh@uni-ak.ac.at for further information, availability of places and enrolment) Languages: English, French, German, Arabic
A Masterclass Creative Writing
You may participate in a 10 day workshop with Philip Meersman of Belgium and others...
If you want to take part in a Masterclass, contact Philip Meersman via e-mail on philip.meersman@gmail.com
Writing retreats in Flanders - on hold for the moment... contact us, please, if interest.
Choosing for one of the writer retreats in Flanders is submerging in the world of the Flemish Masters, Rubens, Symbolism, Expressionism and Surrealism. In the Flemish workshops a choice can be made between writing on location, performance poetry and multidisciplinary poetic expressions.
Writing on location: You will be taken into the field where landscapes, paintings, sculptures, architecture and historic places will be your inspiration to write. A programme with guided tours by professionals to museums, historic sites, visits to artist ateliers, … is intended to stimulate your inspiration. Depending on your own preferences, a programme will be created with writing sessions, visits, confrontations and feed back sessions by different authors and tutors. Tutors: Philip Meersman, Daniel Billiet and Jee Kast Languages: Dutch, English, French
Now available for the following periods: Contact philip.meersman@gmail.com for updates for 2014 (this information was for last year.) in the Ghent area (G) with three possible facilitators: 1) Artist-poet-psychologist-teacher-coach, Fjorton , who does incredible mindfulness poetry workshops and installation poetry, 2) for the musician in you, a poet-writer composer, Dirk Elst and 3) a normal bed and breakfast in the Ghent area and First two are private residences and in self-catering. Third is more luxurious in an official B&B in the Ghent area. in the Brussels area (B)in a Bed and Breakfast near the centre of Brussels Prices includes writer/tutor 150€/day. Lodging +breakfast + transport to & from point of arrival to site: G1-G2: 1.600,00 €; G3-B: 2.000,00 €
Can be combined with other arrangements. Other periods during the year are possible (contact for exact data)
Performance poetry: Performing poetry before a live audience during poetry and slam events is at the focus of this workshop retreat. You want to improve your stage performance, try new things with your work or taste the art of performance for the first time? In this workshop you will work with your existing work or, depending on the duration of the retreat, newly created work. You work on stage posture, pronunciation, emotion and emphasis, attracting the audience, pulling them into your text and keeping their attention. Video recordings of your performances will be analysed by different tutors. You’ll get feedback on how to better your performances. You will get the possibility to perform on different poetry stages in Flanders, Brussels and - depending on the period - also in Holland. Tutors: Philip Meersman, Fjorton, Daniel Billiet, Jee Kast, Claude Io (the tutors can differ, depending on period) and Maja Jantar with Ewout D’Hoore Languages: Dutch, English, French
Period: July-August (Monday-Sunday) Also available during the year for weekends Friday-Monday (contact for reservation): Prices includes writer/tutor 150€/day. Lodging in a Bed and Breakfast + transport to & from point of arrival to site: 2.000,00 € p.p. (week) and 1.200,00 € (weekend)
Multidisciplinary poetic expressions: You want to acquaint yourself with different forms of visual poetry, live poetry installations, poetry creation including different other art forms and media (painting, collage, photography, video) … During this retreat you will work within one or two fields of your choice with poet-performers and artists. Interaction with local poets, artists, … will be encouraged by discussion evenings, meetings,… You will also present your poetic work at different poetry events. Tutor: Helen White Period: Whole year possible during weekends Languages: Dutch, English, French Prices includes writer/tutor 150€/day. Lodging in a Bed and Breakfast + transport to & from point of arrival to site 1.200,00 €.
Possible to have a full 7-days workshop week, only via special reservation for 6-12 people: Tutors: Maja Jantar and Ewout D’Hoore Languages: Dutch, English, French, German Prices includes writer/tutor 150€/day. Lodging in a Bed and Breakfast + transport to & from point of arrival to site: 2.200,00 € p.p.
Recording a poetry CD: During this retreat you will work on your reading and performing skills. You will be coached to get the best out of your work in a professional recording studio. You will have a certain amount of recording time to record your CD. The editing will be done by professional studio technicians. Depending on your wishes and your budget you can work with different musicians and work towards a finished master tape or a CD, completely designed, printed, packed and ready to be sold. It will be your own personalised poetry CD. Producer: Philip Meersman 4 Spooninmybrain & TnXR-productions Period: Whole year possible, contact us for information. Languages: Dutch, English, French Prices includes production of master CD, a 2h recording session at a professional recording studio, lodging in a Bed and Breakfast + transport to & from point of arrival to site. Weekend (Friday-Monday): 1.600,00 €. Musicians: 150 €/day p.p.. Extra studio hours: 60 –100 €/hour. Prices for post production can be given on simple request.
Mindful poetry: how to use meditation- and reflection-techniques to deepen the felt sense of your poems. In this workshop you will be guided and trained in different meditation-oriented techniques to help you closer to the core of your feeling, to help you notice your surroundings more accurately and to put them in fluent words and images that say it all, with a minimal use of words. Tutor: Fjorton Period: July 4th– August 7th (per weekend and per week available. (For booking outside this period, contact us) Languages: Dutch, English, French, German You will be staying with artist-poet-psychologist-teacher-coach, Fjorton , who does also incredible installation poetry at his private residence in self-catering formula. Price includes writer/tutor 150€/day. Lodging +breakfast + transport to & from point of arrival to site: Weekend: 1.200,00 €; Week: 1.600,00 €
Combining the different workshops is possible.
For more information, prices, booking information… contact: philip.meersman@gmail.com