Petite Historique: Pascale Morand, Ph.D.,

fondatrice et CEO de Devi Shakti, articles pour femmes entrepreneurs

Notes biographiques


Pascale amorce sa carrière artistique avec un prix d’excellence de dessin alors qu’elle est au collège.  Elle prend ensuite une longue pause pour se consacrer à des études scientifiques et une carrière internationale comme consultante sur la responsabilité sociale dans l'entreprise et lance  l'entreprise Devi Shakti qui produit ses designs  d'accessoires pour femmes d'affaires, et tout cela en continuant de créer des dessins et collages pour ses cartes de Noël.  

Elle reprend le crayon en 2002 et se lance dans la création de cartes de vœux basées sur des collages ou du design assisté par ordinateur. 

From 2002 on, she began drawing again, and created greeting cards based on computer assisted design prints using her collages.  Between 2003 and 2005, her collages and compositions grew in size and became wall decorations, or Wall Jewels® as she now calls them. 

Pascale’s collages are made with fine fabrics, hand-made embroideries, metal powders (gold, copper, aluminium), rhinestones, jewellery, and glitter. 

Her most recent works are computer-generated graphics made from her own china paintings.  Their unusual refinement, light and depth come from the grain and reflectivity of the china, which is preserved despite the computer assisted imaging process.                              

Son travail personnel, une recherche en profondeur de beauté épicurienne et platonique, se retrouve dans son style, tout à fait personnel et lumineux.  Ses oeuvres plein de joie de vie et de beauté sereine sont également une manière de dissiper le stress d'une vie trop superficielle et trépidante.

C’est sa première exposition.

Pour contacter Pascale Morand visitez son site à ou par téléphone au

Ph: +41 22 362 2791
Fax: +41 22 362 2759


Pascale started her designer career with an Honours Prize in drawing when she was still in high school.   She then took a long break, getting absorbed in scientific studies, an international diplomatic career as a consultant on social responsibility in enterprise and launching her own company, Devi Shakti, that produces accessories for business women, and all the while continuing to make collages as Christmas cards for family and friends.

From 2002 on, she began drawing again, and created greeting cards based on computer assisted design prints using her collages.  Between 2003 and 2005, her collages and compositions grew in size and became wall decorations, or Wall Jewels® as she now calls them. 

Pascale’s collages are made with fine fabrics, hand-made embroideries, metal powders (gold, copper, aluminium), rhinestones, jewellery, and glitter. 

Her most recent works are computer-generated graphics made from her own china paintings.  Their unusual refinement, light and depth come from the grain and reflectivity of the china, which is preserved despite the computer assisted imaging process.                              

Her personal work, a deep search for epicurean and spiritual beauty, can be found in her highly unique style filled with light.  Her works reflect her delight in life with calm beauty and are one means to dissipate the stress of a life which is too often superficial and hectic.

This is her first exhibition.

To contact Pascale Morand visit her website at or give her a  call at Ph: +41 22 362 2791
Fax: +41 22 362 2759

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