A Mustard Seed in May


It is a small, inconsequential thing

That makes the difference, that acts

As catalyst and serves to change

The person from the inside out to bring

About a revelation made less of facts

Than of feelings and sentiments that rearrange

The very character of the person touched,

Though at first glance, it may not be perceived as such.


"I believe" is said with little true understanding

Of the depth of the promise undertaken in what is stated.

"I do not know" is harder still to say, a thrown stone

That unbeknownst to most marks us as naked, standing

In a rain of consequences, cold and intimidated,

Praying none can see us cloaked in fear of ridicule alone.

Belief and non belief are mustard seeds that grow;

Before planting, remember who will harvest what you sow.


ã Nyuka Anaïs Laurent   11.01.06