Deux versions :


I Have Held Time I


I have held time within my hands.

Like a flower, the pattern of its natural growth

Flowed down the foregone path toward death.

Yet, how brightly wrought it was, if only for a moment!


I have held time within my heart.

Like love, I felt it wither before it ever bloomed,

For lack of warmth, for lack of a caress to spread

Its seed; with care it might have opened in its time.


I have held time within my mind.

I sought to comprehend its intricacy.

The brightness of its facets blinded me,

So how was I to perceive and claim “my” moment?


I have viewed time in a kaleidoscope.

It was what I thought, a man-made bauble

Transmogrified at will, stretched or shrunk,

Flattened or engrossed, a plaything for historians.


I have dabbled and made time my own.

Aware of what I did, I let it languish in its need.

My cruelty rose like bile destroying taste buds, so

I cupped it like a breast and watched it rise to greet me.


I bedded time and let imagination play with us.

Such a dance we choreographed together,

It and I and she, and when we tired of our games ,

I dampened light and passion and slept sated in its arms.


                          © Nyuka Anaïs Laurent   11/09/99




I Have Held Time II


I have caught time on the wing,

And like a child innocent but amoral,

I tore its gossamer wings to shreds

Because I was curious to see how it worked.


I have held time prisoner,

Not because it had wronged me,

But because I knew myself its prisoner

And thought to prove my power over it.


I have viewed time in a kaleidoscope.

It was what I believed it was, a man-made bauble,

That could be changed at will, stretched or shrunk,

Flattened or engrossed. I made it mine and dabbled some.


I have held time’s bud in my hands.

Delicate as a flower, its natural growth

Constrained it to its foregone destiny: death.

Yet, how brightly wrought it was, if only temporarily!


I have held time in my mind.

In awe, I sought to comprehend its complexity,

Layer upon layer of fine craftsmanship blinded me

In its light facets. Pray, how was I to perceive my moment?


I have held time in my heart.

I felt it shrivel like love before it had matured,

For lack of warmth, for lack of breath to spread

Its seed.  With care it might have ripened in its time.


I have made time my creature.

Aware of what I did, I let it languish for need of me.

My cruelty rose like bile, destroying taste buds, so

I cupped it like a breast and watched it rise to greet me.


I took time to bed and imagination played with us.

Such a dance we choreographed together,

It and I and she, and when we tired of the spotlight,

I dampened light and passion and slept safely in its arms.


© Nyuka Anaïs Laurent   11/09/99